Use our quick and easy tool to search & filter through hundreds of quality AA Approved Used Cars in stock right now. Find the perfect deal, reserve and buy your next car online and get it delivered directly to your doorstep.
It's as easy as 1,2,3...
Browse through hundreds of AA Approved Used Car offers before finding the perfect deal for you.
Whether you’re looking to pay cash price or you’d prefer to arrange finance, you can pay for your next car completely online.
Get your newly purchased car delivered to your door or choose to collect it from a Sandicliffe dealership near you.
Buy your next car, your way
We want you to be in control. From the moment you land on our website to the moment you drive away in your next car; everything is on your terms to ensure you are comfortable throughout the entire process. We also want to make sure your buying experience is as safe and easy as possible, and we do this the Sandicliffe way.
The Sandicliffe Way
The Sandicliffe Way is our pledge to enhance your car buying experience through heightened levels of safety and security.
We are working in collaboration with Santander to offer bank-level security and data measures when you Reserve or Buy Online, we’re making sure you’re getting the best level of care and the highest level of safety whichever way you choose to buy with us.
You can also have your new vehicle delivered directly to your home!
It’s all about you. No matter which car or brand it is, we want you to feel secure and get it your way. Start your search today to find your dream vehicle!
There are plenty of reasons why you should buy online with us. At Sandicliffe we will always put you first and you are in the driver's seat for the whole journey, you can control how fast or slow you select and buy online. Now you can also have your own account and save vehicles to your wish-list for future purchases! Have all the vehicles you are interested in one place, so when you're ready to make an informed decision, the vehicle you chose is just one click away!