Motability | What Is PIP (Personal Independence Payment) and Are You Eligible?
Are you eligible for PIP? Find out how you can turn your Personal Independence Payment into a brand-new car.
March 11, 2024

PIP, better known as Personal Independence Payment, is a government allowance given to those who live with long-term ill-health or disability. In order to receive PIP, you must be aged between 16-64 - anyone outside of this age group could be eligible for something slightly different called DLA (Disability Living Allowance).
To be eligible for DLA, the candidate must be under 16 or born before the 8th April 1948 and have an existing claim.
Due to Government reform on 8th April 2013, everyone aged between 16-64 receiving DLA were reassessed to qualify for PIP. The purpose of the allowance in its simplest form remains the same - the allowance provides financial support for those suffering from long-term illness or disability. However, the assessment for this allowance has since changed.
PIP involves a more objective and thorough face-to-face assessment. As well as this you must undertake frequent reassessments in-order to continue receiving the allowance. The amount you receive can alter during these assessments.
The rate of PIP you are entitled to will depend on how your personal condition affects your personal lifestyle and is not based on the condition you live with itself. To establish this, the government will carry out a face-to-face assessment in order to calculate an accurate rate of PIP for you will receive. To ensure the correct support is given over time, your condition will be regularly reassessed.
For example, in the unfortunate event that your health worsens, your rate of PIP would likely increase to offer full support. The assessment information is collected through statements and observations of the individual, social workers, carers and other professionals supporting the candidate.
Did you know the government-funded Mobility Allowance can be exchanged to lease a brand-new vehicle through the Motability Scheme? Since starting up in 1977, the Motability Scheme has helped hundreds and thousands of people with a disability achieve independence and personal mobility at ease.
It’s a fantastic way to get people back on the road in a car that best suits their lifestyle. Nobody should have to compromise when it comes to the comforts surrounding mobility and we’re here to make sure they don’t. Help us simplify the journey to freedom and access the next adventure with Sandicliffe Motability.
Anybody in receipt of one of the following allowances is able to join the Motability Scheme:
- Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement (WPMS)
- Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP).
In order to exchange your allowance, you must have at least 12 months remaining on your award. If you’re not sure whether you are eligible, please contact a Motability Specialists at your local Sandicliffe dealership today.
If you have a child aged three years or older who is entitled to claim a disability allowance, you are entitled to apply for the Motability scheme on their behalf.
Step one – Find a vehicle suitable for your lifestyle
The first step is the fun bit - simply browse our fantastic selection of vehicles online and find the best one for you. We are constantly updating our prices to make sure you never have to compromise.
Step two – Visit your local Sandicliffe Motability dealership that supplies your chosen car
Once you\'ve decided on your new vehicle, you can locate your nearest Sandicliffe dealership using our Dealership Locator. You will find all the relevant contact information listed underneath your chosen branch.
Step three – Request to speak with one of our Motability Specialists
Give us a call and let our fully-trained Motability Specialists do all the hard work for you. They\'re remarkably good at finding the best suitable cars for our customers, but don\'t just take our word for it, see for yourself why we are an award-winning dealership.
Step four – Prepare yourself for a new life
It\'s time to collect your brand-new vehicle and begin your new life. Did you know you could further modify your brand-new vehicle to ensure it is designed to your exact requirements? (For more information on this, please view our guide on Motability Car Adaptations).
Are you ready to open the doors to freedom?