Mental Health Awareness Week At Sandicliffe
At Sandicliffe we are supporting Mental Health Awareness Week by offering support for those suffering from loneliness.
May 09, 2022

Loneliness can have a massive impact on our physical and mental health. So, this Mental Health Awareness Week will focus on raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing. We will also provide practical steps we can take to address its effects and offer information to our staff and customers to support the goals of the Mental Health Foundation.
What can we do to prevent loneliness?
Whether you are giving support or requiring help, achieving good mental health in our community is something that we can all contribute towards. So, this Mental Health Awareness Week we will be doing everything we can to lessen the burden of loneliness for any of our staff and customers that are struggling.
Some people find it difficult to talk about their mental health. So, reaching out to your friends, family and colleagues can make a huge impact on someone\'s life. You never know when something as small as a message or a letter can drastically change someone\'s outlook for the better.
Combatting loneliness at Sandicliffe
The first simple step you can take is to have a conversation. By talking to HR, your colleagues, your friends and your family, you can start to alleviate the burden of loneliness. At Sandicliffe, we also support the charitable efforts of “Ben” and work with “Time To Talk” to offer more mental health support for our staff. These initiatives include:
Supporting “Ben” charity
“Ben” works directly with the automotive industry to help people to navigate life’s challenges. They aim to help people working in our industry to make positive, lasting changes to their lives and their mental health. Whether it’s support through a crisis or just a friendly chat, “Ben” is here to provide flexible consultation and care for those who need it.
If any of our team are worried about their physical health, mental health or general wellbeing, “Ben” will be able to offer the support they need. Their specialists are dedicated to assisting with anxiety, depression, money worries, trouble sleeping or anything else in between. By working with “Ben”, we can help to make a difference this Mental Health Awareness Week.
Promoting “Time To Talk”
Wherever you are in the UK, “Time To Talk” can help you with anything you need to talk about. The scheme is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in England, SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) and See Me in Scotland, Inspire and Change Your Mind in Northern Ireland and Time to Change in Wales.